While we do have staff with lifeguard qualifications on each shift, the pool is not under the supervision of a lifeguard at all times . As our staff have other responsibilities in addition to pool supervision.
When families use our pool, the supervision and safety of children remain the primary responsibility of the parents or guardians. Similarly, for groups of minors, the supervision of the group is the responsibility of the accompanying adults.
Opening Times of the Leisure Club:
• Monday to Friday 7am - 9.45pm
• Saturday & Sunday 8.30am - 8.45pm
• Children: until 7.30pm daily
Swimming Pool Timetable
Tuesday & Wednesday – Children’s Swimming Classes - 3:45-5:45 (school term time).
Saturday – 1:15 -2:00 pm – Children’s Swimming Classes - (school term time).
Thursday mornings; - 11am – Aqua Aerobics
Fun Float Inflatable - (Pool will be closed during this time) -School holidays only.
The pool is unavailable for swimming during the above periods, all other facilities remain available throughout these times.